Hoards of zombies have previously walked the streets of Benson for the annual Zombie Walk; but this year, the walk is a no-go.
“We didn't have enough volunteers and help this year to be able to follow through with it,” said Jen James, owner of Zombie Glass in Benson, who previously volunteered her time for — and helped sponsor — the walk. “Every year it gets bigger and bigger — almost double in size since it started.”
A Facebook post called into question why the walk wasn't happening, saying it was because the donation money was never delivered to the Siena Francis House.
James said there was miscommunication over the last year with the money; and today, Siena Francis House said they received $300 from the walk.
“That money was a part of the club, not Zombie Glass,” James said.
James said the negative Facebook posts included her business, and she thinks Zombie Glass is being unfairly targeted.
“In a couple hours, a lot of bad responses a lot of nasty phone calls, a lot of negative energy going on that is really unnecessary,” she said.
James hopes that maybe a zombie walk can be done another time
“This year should have been the 10 years, so hopefully someone is willing to put it on next year,” she said.