The Omaha City Council will consider a resolution to rebid the city's solid waste collection contract on Tuesday.
The resolution on Tuesday's Council Agenda would allow the city's Public Works Department to develop new specifications, bid documents and proposed contracts for garbage, yard waste, and recyclable collection. It would also allow for advertising for bids. The City's current contract with Deffenbaugh Industries/Waste Management expires in 2020. The City expects the company would agree to terminate the contract early.
Deffenbaugh/Waste Management submitted two proposals to change the current collection system last month at the city's request. The proposals included wheeled 96 gallon carts for trash and recyclables, expanded recycling, and the use of fully automated natural gas powered trucks. The City Attorney had advised that a contract extension would be "legally risky", which led to the decision to rebid the current contract now, with requirements that bidders agree to service upgrades.
Mayor Jean Stothert says in a statement: "The feedback I have received from the citizens and the City Council shows there is widespread support for a modernized collection system, We can't wait another four years to make improvements that are good for taxpayers, good for the environment and good for business.' The Mayor has also authorized Public Works to hire a consultant to complete a comparative analysis of the current seasonal, separate yard waste collection and composting operation, to co-collection, disposal of yard waste in the landfill and production of electricity.
The next Request for Proposals for solid waste collection will be based on this study and public feedback.