The two remaining finalists the Omaha Public Schools superintendent position have dropped out. Both Dr. Paul Gausman and Dr. Khalid Mumin released a joint statement:
“As experienced educators, we understand the need for a supportive relationship between any board and its chief executive, as that team must work together to move a district forward; students, staff, parents, and the greater community deserve no less. It is evident that neither of us have engendered such support with the Omaha Public Schools Board of Education. Therefore, we respectfully withdraw our candidacy from the search process at this time.
We are fortunate, in that we both maintain positive relationships with our current local boards, and we celebrate the great students, staff members, programs, and the work in our districts to bring about heightened student achievement. To that end, we are pleased to continue the work in our own communities and school districts to serve our student populations.
We wish the Omaha Board of Education, the staff, students, and community of Omaha well as the Omaha Board continues their search to find the next superintendent of the Omaha Public Schools.”
Shortly after the announcement, OPS sent out a press statement: