

Congressional Candidate: Chip Maxwell


There’s two Republicans trying to unseat Omaha-area Congressman Brad Ashford. One of them is Chip Maxwell.

Maxwell is a former state senator, county commissioner and radio host.

In his second bid for the second district, 53-year-old Maxwell likes his chances of winning over his rival Brigadier General Don Bacon.

On Sunday, Maxwell was out knocking on doors trying to gain more support for his campaign.

Maxwell touts he’s a staunch conservative but not afraid to take on his own party.

“I have scar tissue on me from battling Democrats and sometimes Republicans on various conservative principles,” said Maxwell.

Maxwell said he’s a pro-life, pro-business candidate who is very concerned with the national debt.

“We want this much government we are only willing to pay for this much of it, we just keep borrowing to cover the rest of that gap, just leave the tab for those coming after us,” said Maxwell.

On national security issues, Maxwell said the Obama administration doesn’t have a clear vision on how to defeat ISIS.

“We need a clear cut clearly defined strategy for victory tell us, what's it going to take,” said Maxwell.

As for illegal immigrants, Maxwell does not favor amnesty.

“If you're here illegally you got to go back and get in the right line and be properly screened,” said Maxwell.

In April, Maxwell slammed the National Republican Congressional Committee for raising money to his opponent Don Bacon, saying they lied to his face for meddling in the primary.

“For me that's in the rear view mirror, I got a little worked up when I first saw what was going on, then I'm back in business running my campaign,” said Maxwell.

Maxwell said the cards are lining up for him to win, with and anti-establishment feeling with a lot of voters.

“The old establishment playbook doesn't apply anymore the old formulas don't apply anymore. We are in a new environment, this environment hasn't been better for a candidate like me,” said Maxwell.

For more on Chip Maxwell's stance on issues visit