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North Saddle Creek Streetscape: Updated plan includes bike and pedestrian lane

Posted at 6:35 PM, Jun 24, 2024

OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — The North Saddle Creek Road corridor is buzzing with cars but not as many pedestrians. This stretch of this community will soon see improvements with the design for the streetscape project at 75% complete and neighbors are hopeful some of the new additions to the plan will slow down traffic and improve safety.

  • Neighbors saw initial plans back in February.
  • Now the project is at the 75% design stage.
  • The plan now includes "a 10-foot bike and pedestrian lane on the south side."
  • There is a community meeting on Tuesday, June 25 at 7 p.m. at Harrison Elementary School.
  • Watch the video to hear about plans for the corridor in 2025.

"I think the reason you don't see people just walking casually up and down North Saddle Creek is because of how busy it is, how much traffic there is, how fast people are going," said Will Mienen, board president of the Metcalfe-Harrison neighborhood.

It's concerns like those that the North Saddle Creek Streetscape Improvement Project hopes to address.

"It'll do things like new landscaping, new curbing, new streets, better pedestrian safety, new security lighting, things of that nature that really are important to a neighborhood business district," said Pete Festersen, president of Omaha City Council.

Neighbors had the opportunity to see some of those plans and give their input on initial designs back in February.

But since then, plans have been updated to include some new features.

“We figured out a way to also add a 10-foot bike and pedestrian lane on the south side which I think will be very well received," said Festersen.

That was made possible because the plan will now repave the entire street, so the center line can be moved a little bit to make the space.

Something neighbors like Will think the community will enjoy.

"I also think it functions to slow down traffic on North Saddle Creek, which is also great for the business improvement district and really getting people to slow down and think of this not, as a place to pass through but a place to stop," Mienen said.

The plan will also address the 5-way stop and change it to a 4-way stop, add crosswalks and more.

Festersen says the hope is to have the final design done later this summer, with construction starting in 2025.

In the meantime, neighbors like Will are excited to see things start to happen in the months ahead.

"I think it will be great for creating community, a better chance for creating community," Meinen said.

You can give your input on the designs, there is a community meeting on Tuesday, June 25 at 7 p.m. at Harrison Elementary School.