
Early morning storms affect residents across the metro

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OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — Many residents throughout the Omaha metro are recovering from Tuesday morning's powerful storms.

People we spoke to living in a neighborhood near 120th Street and Bel Drive, tell us they haven't seen quite that much hail in a long time.

"I've never seen anything like this in my life," Corey Gutchewsky said.

Gutchewsky says the severe weather warnings on his smartphone woke him up Tuesday morning.

"[I heard] flash flood warnings and I woke right up," Gutchewsky said. I heard the hail starting to come down, it was dinging off my windows."

The storms ravaged through several West Omaha neighborhoods.

Gutchewsky tells us, before he had time to move his belongings, his apartment flooded.

"I'm going to have to find a new place to live at this point because that's no living condition in there," he said. It's going to be turning into mold and mildew, and a lot of my stuff is ruined at this point.

A neighbor across the street from Gutchewsky tells us he needed to take the day off work, to clear the remaining hail and debris from yard and driveway.

"I saw leaves falling and everything," Don Maguire said. I come out and look out the front door, and it was like a river of ice pellets coming down the street."

There was also damage near UNO's campus.

The storms brought the limbs off an old tree down near the university's alumni center.

"It's mother nature for ya," Maguire said.

Gutchewsky says, he's still in shock.

"This is insane, this is like up to your calf up in ice," he said. I mean people can't even get out, my car's flooded."

But, with even more severe weather expected, the men tell us now all they can be do is be prepared.