

'If you are broke it's the way to go': Maha lets hundreds of volunteers enjoy the festival for free


OMAHA, Neb (KMTV) — There is so much you can see and do at this weekend’s Maha festival. 

There is great food, games, and of course the music with 15 different acts performing, many of them from the Omaha area.

“There are lots of different things to do. Comedy, poetry, digital art, performance art — we have the community village, which is 18 different nonprofits coming together to offer different activities that are hands-on and really interactive, and a way to get to know their mission and the work they do in the community. It's a really cool thing to bring the kids to,” said Rachel Grace, executive director for Maha.

It takes a lot of effort to bring everything together for the festival but thankfully this year Maha had hundreds of pairs of helping hands.

“Just to have that shear number — that means that we know we are providing a fun experience, where people tell us they get to meet new friends, have a great time, see good music and discover new things,” said Grace.

Grace said that by Thursday night over 850 people had volunteered to help run the Maha festival.

Volunteers don’t just get to help put on a great show but they also get free admission to the festival after they work their shift.

“If you are broke its the way to go and, generally, I am pretty freaking broke,” said James Hiatt, one of the volunteers at this year’s Maha festival.

Hiatt is one of the hundreds of volunteers helping at this year’s festival.

He said he got interested in MAHA after one of his friends was hired to work as a photographer for the festival, but he said he gets a lot more out of the experience than just a free ticket.

“You know, I don’t have a whole lot of experience volunteering, but I definitely feel like there is a sense of community here and I look for that everywhere I go," said Hiatt.

If you would like to check out the MAHA festival and help out as a volunteer there is still time to do that.

Organizers say all you need to do is show and up and they will point you where you need to go.

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