

California family trying to reunite precious ring found in Halloween candy with owner

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EL CAJON, Calif. — A young trick-or-treater sorting through her candy made a stunning discovery.

"They were excited. Loved Halloween and candy," Jean Bilbrey said.

As with so many other families, Halloween night for the Bilbrey's three children — ages 11, nine and four — was a blur of costumes, front doors and a steady flow of treats. Their family walked for several hours, stopping by 30 to 50 homes. In all, they filled about six buckets with candy.

This past weekend, the kids went about the task of sorting the candy.

"My middle daughter, who is nine, said 'Mom, Mom, I found something in my candy' and brought me a ring," Bilbrey said.

It was a woman's ring, possibly a precious one. The piece of jewelry likely slipped off while someone was handing out candy.

"Looks like a wedding band, similar to mine. Possibly an anniversary band ... somebody wears on a hand that means something to somebody ... my first thought was we need to get this back to the owner. As a woman, my jewelry, I don't have much but what I do have is very important to me," Bilbrey said.

Like any good mystery, there are a few clues, including the candy found next to the ring.

"Candy corn and the Sour Patch candies. That's what she had in her hand was the candy corn," Bilbrey said.

Bilbrey spread the word of the ring on social media, but so far, she's come up empty.

"I'll keep it safe. I've got it here. Happy to return it and hopefully soon," Bilbrey said.

If you have any information on the mystery of the trick-or-treat ring,

This story was originally published by Michael Chen on KGTV in San Diego.