
Men of Bethany nonprofit helping men change their lives

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OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) - — Aspiring barber Angel Diaz will graduate from the College of Hair Design in December.

But it's taken over a year of consistency, and self-reflection for him to get here.

"I saw myself becoming somebody that I didn't like no more," Diaz said.

Diaz says it was time to make a change.

"I got addicted to some drugs, I got really bad into it and I was just fed up with it and one day on February 14th, 2018 I decided I was done," he said.

Diaz turned to the Open Door Mission, hoping to redirect his life.

Through the mission, Diaz found a brotherhood thanks to the Men of Bethany.

If you're tired of the lifestyle you're living and you're trying to improve yourself, there's programs out there you know," he said. "You just got to look for them, they're not just gonna fall in your lap."

The Men of Bethany in America is a faith-based nonprofit helping men change their lives.

"We like to consider ourselves more than just teachers and mentors , but a brotherhood of men that help men," Carlson said.

Men of all ages meet on a weekly basis either at the Open Door Mission, Omaha Street School or the Douglas County Jail.

"Our goal and our mission is to work with these guys to come up with how they could be better fathers, better husbands," Carlson said. "Understand their sons, understand their daughters ... and to work towards that."

Diaz says the organization changed his life at a time when he needed it most.

"I just had enough of the drugs, you know," Diaz said. "I just had enough of hurting people around me."

He completed the Men of Bethany's 36-week course.

Alongside several other men at the Open Door Mission, Diaz says, his heart changed, his mind changed and he made plans to better his future.

"I wanted to be a better parent, a better father, a better brother, a better friend," Diaz said. "I was just tired of who I became there's help out there you just gotta look for it."

So Diaz quit his old job and picked up the clippers to pursue his next career goal.

He says, those changes all started in a small group with other men, who were dealing with similar situations.

"We want them to accept accountability and responsibility in their life," Carlson said. "So it's very important for us to get them to do that."

Diaz says for men trying to make a change,"there's help out there for you guys--you know tomorrow--there's programs for you, you know and you just gotta keep on pushing yourself."

You can learn more about the Men of Bethany at,