
Children's Hospital ready to vaccinate kids ages 5 to 11 for COVID as soon as it's authorized

The FDA issued emergency approval Friday
and last updated

OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — On Friday the FDA issued emergency authorization for Pizer's COVID-19 vaccine in kids 5 to 11 years old. The CDC panel followed by the CDC's director will now review and decide.

That full authorization is expected to be issued as early as next week. Local health leaders are prepared to get that population vaccinated as soon as the next day.

Children's Hospital says they will hold clinics at two different locations, one at their West Village Pointe location and one at Spring Valley, twice a week for as many weeks as it takes. They will also vaccinate kids at their physicians clinics.

"As soon as we have that final approval process done, and as soon as we have confirmed we have the vaccine on hand, then we’ll open up the appointments," said Dr. Melissa St. Germain, Vice President and Medical Director of Children's Hospital.

The Pfizer vaccine is 90.7% effective in that age group. The dose kids receive is 1/3 the dose given to adolescents and adults.

St. Germain says it's important for this population to get vaccinated in order to keep the community at large safe.

"Our rates of severe COVID infection in kids is lower than adults but it’s not zero and we do have kids who do get hospitalized with COVID and pass it on to those vulnerable adults around them," she said. "We’ve seen, as more adults have been vaccinated and our younger kids still haven’t had the opportunity, the rates of COVID infection in children has gone up faster than in the general population. Right now about a quarter of the new cases of COVID-19 are in kids so they’re becoming the high-risk, vulnerable population."

The Douglas County Health Department is also planning its vaccine rollout for kids.

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