
Local businesses owners support families with sick children through donation

Posted 11:19 PM, Jun 11, 2020
and last updated 11:19 PM, Jun 11, 2020

OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — The Ronald Mcdonald House in Omaha received a big delivery on Thursday - a year's worth of medical masks!

Local McDonald’s owner-operators and distribution partners donated over 4,000 medical mask Thursday morning. The donation is to help fill the need for personal protective equipment during the global pandemic as the Ronald McDonald House looks to slowly start taking on more families.

“We are taking a tremendous amount of precaution,” said Lindsey Raikortan of the Omaha Ronald McDonald House. “This is by far the most vulnerable population, in my opinion, that exists. We take it very, very seriously and we are so lucky to have partners like McDonald’s. This partnership is not some big corporate conglomerate. These are small business owners in Nebraska.”

Right now, the Ronald McDonald House is currently serving four families who have been with them for the whole pandemic. Starting next week, they hope to start taking on more families but say they will do it slowly to keep everyone safe.

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