
Trump rally brings out thousands of supporters, protestors gather outside

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The President’s visit to Omaha just a week before Election Day brought out supporters of both Donald Trump and some for Joe Biden.

Hours before his arrival, supporters of Trump were bracing the cold at Eppley Airfield, eager to hear from the man they would be voting for.

“I just want to hear what he has to say," said 18-year-old Colin Peetz who will be voting for the first time this year. "We’ve watched interviews, we’ve watched the debates, but seeing him in person it’s going to be different.”

Many said they were looking forward to voting for Trump again in the coming week.

“He has been so good to our country," said Leeza Senal. "He has done so many things for Israel, for the farmers, for everyone in a very short time. He’s incredible.”

And outside the airfield, young protesters were telling different messages, asking voters to vote blue for those who won’t be able to cast a ballot this year.

“I’m about to be 18 on November 15, so I can’t vote, but our message is to vote blue," said Osvaldo Perez-Plascencia who helped organize the protest.

“What we want to stress is that our protest was created by students who cannot vote," said Isabel Gott, another organizer. "We are all still not able to vote. So we want to put out our message to please vote blue for Omaha.”

Come next Tuesday, we should have a better idea if Omaha prefers red or blue.