News3 News Now Investigators


Cartels easily defeat border wall: A 3 News Now Investigation

Posted 11:35 PM, Oct 02, 2020
and last updated 11:35 PM, Oct 02, 2020

This is part three of a four-part series on drugs and the border. 3 News Now Investigator Jeff Van Sant traveled to San Diego, California, in February, before the pandemic.

A border wall runs along the southwest border near San Diego.

But border patrols says tunnels have been discovered, and even RC cars and power tools are used to bypass the wall.

"Just recently we discovered the world's longest tunnel that was most likely used for narcotics smuggling," said U.S. Border Patrol Agent Jarrett Decker.

In 3 News Now Investigator's February visit, we were shown a new border wall. Construction was still underway. It was completed this summer. It cost about $153 million dollars.

For more, watch the video above.

Watch part one here and part two here.

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