

A new place to recycle unwanted Styrofoam

Posted 3:26 PM, May 03, 2016

Plastilite Corporation in Omaha is known for manufacturing insulated packaging products.  Chances are if you order from a place like Omaha Steaks, your order will be shipped in a Plastilite EPS Foam Cooler. 

“For whatever reason, people think this white cooler is so bad and filling up the landfills,” said Kriha. 

Barry Kriha, the Marketing Director for Plastilite says OPS Foam or Styrofoam as many people call it, is 98% air, it is basically carbon.  When it is in a landfill it won’t leach into the ground or emit fumes, but it will stay there forever. 

A few years ago Plastilite decided to stop dumping and start recycling.  The company uses a densifier to scrap any faulty packaging they can't ship out.  The machine then turns the foam into plastic tubing.  That tubing is then turned into things like glue, screw driver handles and surfboards.

“None of our scrap goes into the landfill anymore,” said Kriha. 

Kriha says recently Plastilite began collecting EPS foam from the public.  It’s the only facility of its type within a 300 mile radius.

About once a week Plastilite picks up EPS foam from the Henry Doorly Zoo.  A lot of the animal’s food comes in Styrofoam coolers.

“Before they just had to throw it away because there really wasn't a recycling program,” said Kriha.

Just like the zoo, the public can now utilize Plastilite.  Any EPS foam containers, or pieces with the #6 recycle symbol can now be dropped off near I-680 and 48th Street.

To learn how you can recycle head to