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At-home COVID-19 testing kits in short supply at pharmacies


OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — On its busiest days, Kohll's Pharmacy & Homecare is performing COVID-19 tests on close to 900 people between all of its locations. About 20% of those tests are positive for COVID-19.

"We're testing PCR, we're testing rapid antigen, antibody; testing strep, flu and we also do a one-hour PCR that we get results back within the hour, which seems to be a benefit for people across the country traveling or internationally," pharmacist David Kohll said.

Home-testing kits are in extremely short supply. Kohll's and Kubat Healthcare have both run out.

"Later today or tomorrow, we're anticipating a couple hundred to come in, we're just going to keep them at our store in Millard, just because they go so fast, by the time we distribute to other locations, they'd already be gone," Kohll said.

Kubat HealthCare's Tony Schmid says Kubat's typically receives five to six calls per day regarding test kits. They sold out last week.

"Within the last three to four weeks, the demand has exponentially gone up and supply has gone down at the same time," Schmid said.

With the holiday season in full swing, Kohll gives credit to those who are staying careful.

"It's that time of year, and then also they are seeing family and trying to be careful around their family and they're just trying to take care of themselves. Nobody wants to be sick and nobody wants to get anybody else sick, and so there's a lot of conscientious people getting tested if they aren't feeling well," Kohll said.

But pharmacies are anticipating more arrivals of kits.

The Douglas County Health Department reports more than 20,000 COVID tests were performed last week.

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