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Changes to pick-up and drop-off at Eppley: What to Expect Before you Fly


OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — Starting Friday, Oct. 27, passenger pick-up and drop-off is moving to level 1 of the south garage and will function like normal.

“There will be designated areas for passengers to wait, or for passengers to be picked up, there will be lanes for vehicles to stop for pick-ups and to drop-offs, and there will be through lanes, through the first floor of the garage,” said Steve McCoy, chief information and development officer for the Omaha Airport Authority.

To help with the flow of traffic, it is encouraged to wait in the cell phone lot until your traveler is ready for pickup.

“Really, stopping and waiting won't be permitted, vehicles will need to continue to move through this area,” said McCoy.

A little pain now, but 18-months from now you won't get soaked before you fly and your luggage won't have to be dragged through puddles or snow.

“We are covering the entire front drive with a glass canopy. So that will keep travelers out of the elements, as you know traveling in the winter months and spring months when there is snow, rain, that will provide a high level of service for those customers when the project is complete,” said McCoy.

For now, when you arrive at the airport — updated signage will direct drivers exactly where to go. If you are being dropped off or picked up, there are two ways to get to and from the terminal.

“Across the crosswalks, which we will have to phase some of those crosswalks during construction, but the other opportunity that folks have is they can take the elevators up to the elevated skywalks, into the terminal," said McCoy.

Rideshare will still be in this garage but will have its own lane.

Drivers and travelers are encouraged to take a little extra time to get used to the new system.

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