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'I feel like we're moving forward:' Where Blair neighbors are at with recovery process after tornadoes

It's been two months since the April 26th tornadoes.

BLAIR, Neb. (KMTV) — For almost 50 years, Barbara Moffatt has called this place home... For the first time in 50 years, Moffatt can't live here. The April 26 tornadoes are to blame.

"You have your life pretty much planned out and then all the sudden something like this comes along and disrupts all the plans," said Moffatt.

Moffatt lost her entire roof, her kitchen and family room on April 26t. Two months later, she said there has been some progress but still a lot to be completed.

"When you come up and see the damage. It's like it happened yesterday," said Moffatt.

Moffatt's not alone. Her neighbor Andy Weston lost part of her barn, her roof and several trees on her property. Weston said she's just trying to take the clean-up process day-by-day.

"I feel like we're moving forward," said Weston. "I feel okay. I feel comfortable, a lot more relaxed."

"We work outside so much a day and get what you can done. We just say just leave it at that and start again, tomorrow," said Weston.

Although, Weston's roof is replaced, she said the recovery process isn't smooth.

"I'm a little bit frustrated just with our insurance company just trying to work things so my contractor can start," said Weston.

Despite frustrations and clean up that's still going on, both Moffatt and Weston said neighbors in this community can be counted on to be there for them..

"They're good people," said Moffatt. "They will help you out at the drop of a hat. It means a lot to me. Everyone is helpful. We have each others backs per se."

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