Now in its second year, Omaha Public Schools say its Nebraska Thursday lunch program is a win-win for everyone involved. On the first Thursday of every month OPS school lunches feature locally grown and produced items.
What’s on the menu today at Adams Elementary School, just ask a kindergartener.
“Chicken, an apple and I don’t know what this is,” said a kindergartener.
“It’s a potato,” said AM Anchor Emily Szink.
“A potato? Ew, I hate potatoes,” said the kindergartener.
Of course some of these pint-sized kids are picky eaters, but not everyone. This meal is usually a favorite. This Nebraska Thursday menu features chicken drumsticks from Smart Chicken, Potatoes grown in O’Neill, Nebraska, apples from various orchards, bread sticks from Rotella’s and milk from Hiland dairy.
“This shows them that Nebraska is a great agriculture producing state and there are products here that can be put on any of our menus,” said Director of Nutritional Services for Omaha Public Schools, Tammy Yarmon.
Tammy Yarmon says for years they have been buying locally, so why not highlight our great state in the cafeteria once a month.
“I love Nebraska’s food, because it's the state I grew up in," said Adam’s Elementary School 3rd grader Sentariane Tucker.
Yarmon says the feedback has been great; Nebraska Thursdays is a program they will continue for years.
“Anytime a school district can menu local items it is a win-win for the state, it's a win-win for the producers and it’s obviously a win-win for the kids,” said Yarmon.