Inner Beauty is a place where woman being treated for breast cancer and even survivors say they come to feel whole again. A woman who went through breast removal surgery says these bras give her confidence.
"It changes your whole life," said Kristi Cornish.
Kristi Cornish was diagnosed with breast cancer in October 2013.
She says although she knew she had a good chance of survival the fear was still there.
"We see people in their twenties that have had breast cancer and we see people in their eighties, so we have a wide range of state of the art products to help them in their walks," said Inner Beauty Coordinator Lori Fuchs.
So after Cornish had her breast removed, she came to Inner Beauty for guidance and comfort.
"We literally bring them in and show them different styles of prosthetics and depending on their chest wall and surgery sites," Fuchs said.
Woman like Cornish come here for the perfect bra or prosthetic to make them feel good inside and out.
"I felt so confident and I felt myself stand up taller and smile, it made me feel whole again," Cornish said.
There’s enough variety for everyone, no matter the surgery.
"We can help them with post surgery camisoles or post surgery bras," Fuchs said.
Fuchs says they also offer beauty tips like make-up, hair, and skin care.
"It gives the patient so much confidence and insures them that they look beautiful and they are whole,"
Fuchs said.
Any woman being treated for breast cancer in the community can take full advantage of Inner Beauty’s complementary services.