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IRS opening its Omaha office on Saturday to answer taxpayer questions

Posted 11:17 PM, Mar 10, 2023
and last updated 12:03 AM, Mar 11, 2023

OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — Taxpayers can get face-to-face help from the IRS tomorrow without an appointment.

The agency is opening its office in Omaha and elsewhere around the country to help people this filing season.

They'll answer tax questions, help with letters from the IRS or identify verification. The agency hopes the extra day makes a difference for taxpayers.

“Opening the office, the IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center, this Saturday we hope will allow people who normally work and won't get a chance to get away, the opportunity to sit down with someone face-to-face at the IRS without an appointment to take care of their issues,” said Christopher Miller, IRS spokesman.

Miller emphasizes that they are not doing tax return preparation, but you'll find resources about where to do that at

The Omaha office is located downtown at 1616 Capitol Avenue.

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