

Lawmakers consider redesign of Nebraska state flag

Many are familiar with  changes to Nebraska state license plates made last year. The redesign making headlines and stirring controversy. But now, another state symbol might be in for makeover. 
A Nebraska lawmaker is calling for changes. State Senator Burke Harr of Omaha is introducing Legislative Resolution 3, which would create a task force to design a new state flag. 
The Nebraska state flag has flying high for more than 90 years - a proud symbol of the state's heritage.Now the icon is becoming a topic of conversation - with mixed reaction.
"You know, when I first think of the flag, before today, I probably couldn't even tell you what it looked like," said Curtis Johnson. "I know it's blue and it has some sort of seal on it. To me, it's just kind of plain Jane."
"I actually don't know that many people that care about the state flag," said Katy Stuckey.
The current flag design with the state seal is considered one of the nation's worst. This according to several surveys done nationwide.
Senator Harr tells our partner, the Omaha World Herald, that the current design is dated and that now would be a good time to change. The change would coincide with Nebraska's 150th anniversary of statehood.  
"Additionally, the actual state motto on the flag is extremely hard to read," said Grant Sturerk. "So, it's not one of those things that's really that important but it would be nice if Nebraska had a much more simpler visually appealing flag to represent our state."
Ten people would make up the task force assigned to redesign the flag including lawmakers. On social media, reactions to the proposal were also mixed with some calling the redesign "flag shaming." Others questioned the pricetag. 
And when asked how they'd redesign the state flag, viewers said to keep it basic: "I think it should be kept relatively simple - only have a few colors. Maybe just have one symbol in the middle or something."
This isn't the first time that lawmakers are considering a makeover for the state flag. in 2002,  the state Legislature's Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee considered a bill that would call for a new flag design. The flag was never changed.