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Local nonprofits react to a potential federal freeze for grants and funding


OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — Hannah Young with the Nonprofit Association of the Midlands spent Tuesday trying to understand what’s happening. She said several nonprofits have called the office asking what to do.

Wanting to learn more about what this could mean, she watched the White House press briefing but was left with more questions.

"I felt the press briefing was just kind of a workaround," said Young, the public policy at the Nonprofit Association of the Midlands.
"We're just kind of waiting on clarity."

Going forward, Young said she is trying to figure out exactly which programs will be impacted and how long this pause could last. That now includes watching the courts to see which parts of the freeze are blocked and what will be allowed to stand.

Young said Wednesday morning, the association will meet with other nonprofits to try and understand what this will mean in the days and weeks ahead.

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