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NE Medicine: 11 of 13 evacuees test positive for coronavirus

Posted 12:43 AM, Feb 21, 2020
and last updated 7:39 PM, Feb 21, 2020

OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — Nebraska Medicine says the CDC's test results of 13 people evacuated from a Japanese cruise ship have shown 11 tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19).

In a release, the hospital said:

The CDC has verified the test results completed Monday by the Nebraska Public Health Lab on our 13 individuals here for coronavirus monitoring and care. Eleven of these individuals have tested positive for COVID-19, while two tested negative.

We currently have ten people in the National Quarantine Unit while three are in the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit. Most of our guests aren’t showing symptoms of the disease, however several others are exhibiting minor symptoms.

These 13 people are all former passengers of the Diamond Princess cruise ship who were evacuated to the United States via two 747s February 17.