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New city flag for Omaha? Omaha Flag Project looking to bring city together with Omaha flag

Posted at 6:40 PM, Jul 06, 2020

OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — It’s an effort about ten years in the making.

A new flag for Omaha, with the designer saying now is the right time to display it, as residents are looking for some good news.

Greg Daake, the flag designer, says the flag represents wonder, friendliness, optimism, with the navy foreground also representing the Missouri River.

“These things are powerful symbols for humanity and tribes of people to unite and get together and have a common ground even if they could be very disparate in beliefs, culture. This one common symbol for this place we live,” says Daake.

The flag, as well t-shirts, hats and other items are now being sold, with all the profits going to charity. The Omaha Metro Healthcare Coalition is the first group that will receive money.

“I’d like to see it in all parts of town, every corner, really knit the city together so it’s not coming a part at the seams. Maybe bridge the segregation of the town, bridge corporate and private, bottom up groundswell. Revolutions don’t start at the top,” says Daake.

Currently the city of Omaha has an official flag. In order to change that they’d need a city council charter.

As of now, Daake isn’t seeking that, but is open to it in the future.