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Omaha group distributes donations of fresh produce to those in need


OMAHA, Neb (KMTV) — High inflation has many Americans questioning how they will pay their bills and how they will put food on the table.

But amid all these challenges some folks are stepping up to make sure their community’s needs are met.

“My uncle was homeless for years and years so this kind of speaks to me their organization is awesome,” said Hazel Ashton, one of the folks who stopped by Autonomous Action's produce swap.

Hazel was just one of the many people who stopped by one of the weekly free produce events put on by Omaha Autonomous Action.

Hazel was there to donate cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables that came straight from her backyard.

“My garden, yea it's gardening season!” Said Ashton.

Omaha Autonomous Action serves an, unfortunately, growing community of the unhoused and those in need through mutual aid.

Omaha Autonomous Action organizes everything from street kitchens to cold weather gear giveaways, all in an effort to make sure the city’s most vulnerable populations can meet its needs.

“It feels awesome. I feel like fresh produce is not used enough, especially in low-income neighborhoods,” said Ashton.

The produce swaps happen every Monday evening and folks are welcome to pick up or donate any fresh produce no questions asked.

Hazel, who works as a nurse, says that a personal approach to helping like the fresh produce swap can reach those folks in the community that traditional services might miss.

“I think that there are a lot of organizations that do stuff but a lot of people slip through the cracks. When you one on one, go out and work with these people and do smaller projects, you are more likely to find those people that are slipping through the cracks,” said Ashton.

If you are interested in the fresh produce swap, whether you need the produce or are interested in donating, you can find Omaha Autonomous Action set up at the intersection of 41st and Hamiltion every Monday from 4 to 7 PM.

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