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Omaha Police offer tips on how to protect vehicles as auto theft increases


OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — Omaha Police said car thefts are on the rise in the city. In a new report, police said that auto thefts have seen a 72% rise compared to last year.

One Omaha man is reeling after becoming a victim himself.

"We made road trips from here to North Carolina to Alabama, just quality time with my son because that's the only truck he's ever known that I had," David Arrington said. "There's a lot of memories associated with that truck."

Arrignton's prized possession, his Chevy Silverado, was stolen earlier this week at an apartment complex near 176th and Maple between June 18 at 11 a.m. and June 19 at 11 p.m.

He said he was shocked that someone would want to take his more than two-decade-old vehicle.

"That's the strangest thing," Arrington said. "He may have parked it off to the side of the apartment building, but this is a 21-year-old vehicle. I mean she's got rust, but it's just been a solid vehicle."

Omaha Police Officer Michael Pecha's advice is always to keep belongings out of sight and to keep your car locked at all times.

"Theft of motor vehicles is a crime of opportunity," Pecha said. "A lot of times criminals are looking inside cars if there's valuables in plain sight."

If you or someone you know has had their vehicle stolen or damaged, Omaha Police said to call their non-emergency hotline at 402-444-4877 or visit their website.

The Iowa license plate for David's Blue Chevy Silverado is "I-K-M 5-1-9."

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