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OPS discusses security measures following the shooting at Omaha Northwest High School


OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — Frustrated, upset and wanting a change. Those are the words parents used to describe Tuesday's shooting at Omaha Northwest High School. KMTV took their concerns to Omaha Public School officials.

"It feels like a dream," Andrew Hunt said. "It doesn't feel like it happened. It shocks you."

Hunt is one of several Northwest High School parents who have told KMTV they have questions about school safety, and want to know what the district will do in the wake of the shooting. .

KMTV took those concerns to OPS. Lisa Utterback is the student and community services chief officer at OPS. She pointed out existing security measures like additional officers and emergency phone lines. She said metal detector wands were put into place at all secondary schools this year. But, they're only used if the school deems a student is a threat.

"There are issues that are sometimes beyond our control. It's how we respond when these incidents happen," said Utterback.

Utterback said she does not know whether the shooting suspect was wanded that day.

OPS school board member Bri Full said parents shouldn't have to feel scared sending their kids to school.

"I think that OPS already employs a large range of safety protections for the children at our schools," said Full.
"It should always be a continued conversation. It should never be one and done," she said.

Hunt said he knows that OPS does what it can, but wants more done.

"These things shouldn't be happening in this day and age," said Hunt. "I believe extra security measures could help."

OPS said students will return to school, Thursday. Parents told KMTV they want steps in place to ensure safety. OPS said it's reviewing the shooting and will make a determination whether to change or add any new safety measures.

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