OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — Papillion La Vista Community Schools have announced plans for reopening for the school year. The plans include requiring masks and having students complete a screening prior to coming to the facilities.
Masks will be required for students and staff. Built in mask breaks will be scheduled for all students, social distancing will be implemented where feasible and personal protective equipment like face shields and acrylic barriers will be used. The schools will be cleaning high-touch areas and desks between student use.
There will be extensive cleaning and disinfecting every night. All supplies and equipment will be cleaned between use, with limited sharing of supplies.
Visitors will be limited during the school day and outside groups will be limited in use of the facilities. Visitors will be by appointment only. Field trips and guest speakers will be brought to the classroom virtually.
Two health offices will be in all schools, one for sick kids and one for routine business like distribution of medications. Drinking fountains will be closed. Students are encouraged to bring water bottles.
The district is asking families to wear masks and complete a daily screening online. Parents will have to remain in their cars during drop-off and pick-up.
Middle-school and high-school sports are planned to continue as scheduled. Transportation vehicles will have increased cleaning between uses. All students and drivers will wear masks.
The district says those with medical conditions or family circumstances that do not plan to attend school in person will receive information on July 31.
Read more about the district's plan here.
You can also join theFacebook Live on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at 6 p.m. where there will be a short presentation of the plan and then a Q & A to answer your questions.