NewsLocal NewsPay it Forward


PAY IT FORWARD: Bennington Middle School teacher Amy Diegel receives $500 check

Posted 9:27 PM, Dec 03, 2024

OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — Congratulations to Amy Diegel, a middle school teacher who received a $500.00 check from our 3 News Now Pay it Forward Campaign with First Interstate Bank.

As the nominator shared with us:

Mrs. Diegel goes above and beyond in supporting her students and her school. Two years ago she implemented a National History Day Program. Her students have won district level recognition and have gone onto the state competition. She has also written and been awarded numerous grants to benefit the school and other teachers outside of her classroom, including the ESL program. Mrs. Diegel has worked with her students and has improved witting and reading levels for the vast majority of her students. While teaching full time, Mrs. Diegel also completed HAL certification with the intention of utilizing the additional knowledge to support her students. Mrs Diegel also supports the choir, the Student Council and numerous curriculum events including Math Night, Science Night and also supported Trunk or Treat. And she does this one handed as she is disabled and in a wheelchair.

Congrats Amy Diegel! If you are an educator or know a local educator who is deserving of the check, enter for a chance to win right here on our website. Just click on the contests tab at the top of the screen.