NewsLocal NewsPay it Forward


PAY IT FORWARD: Millard Band teachers receive $500 check each


OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — Congratulations to Mr. Craig Mathis & Ryan Placek, Millard North High School Band teachers who received a $500.00 check from our 3 News Now Pay it Forward Campaign with First Interstate Bank.

As the nominator shared with us, “The Millard North Band is the largest band program in the state of Nebraska with over 250 students. Mr. Placek and Mr. Mathis, band directors, are not only outstanding music educators, but also teach their students important life lessons, such as the importance of hard work, cooperation, teamwork, caring about others and being inclusive. The Millard North Band program would benefit greatly if chosen as a Pay it Forward recipient. The money would go toward new music, sound equipment, instruments, and other necessary supplies. ...”

Congrats Mr. Placek, Mr. Mathis and the Music Band at Millard North High School!