NewsLocal NewsPay it Forward


PAY IT FORWARD: Millard teacher Mandy Farwell receives $500 check


OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — Congratulations to Mandy Farwell, a Millard teacher who received a $500.00 check from our 3 News Now Pay it Forward Campaign with First Interstate Bank.

As the nominator shared with us, “Anderson Middle School benefits from Mandy Farwell's many efforts to get students the basics they need to succeed in school. She helps to run the 'DEN' which is a room where kids can get a winter coat, shoes, socks, gloves, school supplies, and more. She works with food banks and churches to get extra food for kids. She knows that, without the basics like food and clothing, kids have a much more difficult time learning in the classroom. I know all the kids at Anderson benefit if Mandy Farwell were chosen as a Pay It Forward recipient!...”

Congrats to Mandy Farwell and Andersen Middle School!