

PHOTO: Bison at Iowa refuge survive lightning

Posted 9:03 PM, Jan 15, 2016

A bison at an Iowa wildlife refuge is still thriving three years after he was struck by lightning, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources reports.

The Iowa DNR posted an update about the bison named Sparky, who lives at the Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge near Des Moines, on Facebook Thursday evening.

They say he is still going strong despite a scar that shows where he was hit by lightning in 2013.

“He’s 11 years old and at 1,600 pounds, he’s actually a little skinny but tough as nails,” the agency wrote.

The post has since been shared nearly 200 times.  The U.S. Department of Interior also featured Sparky in a blog earlier this month.


Meet Sparky, the Iowa bison that survived a lightning strike!Our friends at Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge shared...

Posted by Iowa Department of Natural Resources on Thursday, January 14, 2016