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Preparing for below zero temperatures


This weekend temperatures will drop to below zero, and auto experts say your car could get the worst of it.

"Check your wiper blades if you have not done it recently."

"Get your battery tested if its more than a couple years old,  the cold weather is hard on car batteries."

In this cold weather, Blake Wilcox at Napa Auto Parts says you'll want to make sure all your car fluids are good, especially the antifreeze.

"With antifreeze that not only keeps your car cool during the summer, it also keeps the engine from blocking the radiator from freezing in the winter."

Many people also spent the day at stores, stocking up on food and other essentials.

"It's an all time blow for us and I think it's insane it's getting this cold here."

Some even canceled their holiday plans.

"I'm staying in all weekend, stocking up now and then going to honker up all weekend until the cold comes through."

Faith Barrett says the cold will not freeze out her new year festivities.
She plans to layer up.

"I'm going to wear a coat but hopefully i'm not outside that long because I do plan on wearing a coat for New Years."

Others like Terry Gustin say they feel just as warm in summer clothes.

"I'm originally from North Dakota so I've grown up with this kind of weather, so this here it don't bother me none."

"I feel more comfortable in shorts all year round."