As the entire nation remembers September 11th, we spoke with high school freshmen who were not alive when the day occurred to see how they learned about it and ultimately what they took from the day.
“It’s very sad, even though I wasn’t born…it’s just a very hard day to get through,” Quinn Denourie, freshman at Skutt.
These freshman at Skutt Catholic are just 14 and 15 years old and were born several years after the fateful day, still they say the magnitude of the day hit them at a young age.
“In kindergarten, in elementary school as a (boy) scout we used to do a ceremony where we raised the flag. That was my first exposure to it,” says Anthony Abbott, freshman at skutt.
“In elementary school we always watched videos in social studies class and I did a report on George W. Bush in 8th grade and so I learned a little bit more about it,” Abby Schomersh.
“I just learned it from my parents, people would talk about 911 and I would just ask what it was and they told me, It’s just an important reminder because it’s just a tremendous loss of life,” says Nate Zoroske, freshman at Skutt.
It was for the most part a normal day of school at Skutt, but many of the students know that the day means a great deal to so many.
“Obviously I wasn’t alive during that time, so it’s just a reminder that things like that happen and that we need to keep in mind that it’s happening around the world and it’s happening here too.” <Ava Heyne, freshman at Skutt.
“People lost their lives and how precious life is and you can’t take it for granted because it could happen again,” says Abbott.
The freshman that we spoke said that the school did have a brief prayer service to remember 9/11.