

South Omaha celebrates El Grito de Independencia

Omaha celebrates Mexico's Independence Day

South Omaha is celebrating Mexico's Independence Day, also known as el 16 de septiembre with a 2-day cultural festival. 

Organized by the Nebraska Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation for its tenth anniversary, the festival consists of authentic foods, live music, traditional Mexican dance performances, a charro lazo spectacle, and lucha libre.

The event kicked off Saturday morning with a parade that ran from 24th and F St. down to N St. The crowd then gathered at La Plaza de La Raza where attendees were welcomed by the NHCCF's president, Yesenia Peck, and our very own, Maya Saenz, who emceed the event. 

Warren Buffett then took the stage and gave a unique message to the audience, urging them to register to vote. 

The festival aims to not only celebrate Mexico's culture, but all of Latin America.

"It's not just about celebrating Mexico's culture - it's about embracing everyone's culture and all of the different ethnicities here in South Omaha," says Anna Hernandez- Valencia. 

Those that attended say it's important to highlight the Mexican and Hispanic culture in Omaha, and celebrate their vibrant and colorful homeland roots. 

"Being able to live in the U.S. is a blessing, but it's also important to stay close to our roots, and pass those traditions on to our kids," says Tony Baros. 

Saturday night concluded with a reenactment of El Grito, which is a symbolic event that led to Mexico's independence, and fireworks. 

The festival runs from September 17th-18th at La Plaza de La Raza on 24th and M St. in South Omaha.