

St Patrick School mourns principal's loss


Administrators, teachers and children at St. Patrick's Catholic School in Elkhorn are in mourning tonight.

Their principal Norm Hale was driving back from Colorado Wednesday night, when a semi hit his car in Western Kansas.

Father Tom Fangman says Hale will be remembered for his love for students.

Community members say Elkhorn is standing with the school as they cope with this huge loss.

"It's been pretty emotional."

A man Father Fangman says is gone to soon.

"You just aren't prepared for news like this, it’s a reminder of the sacredness of life."

St Patrick's Catholic School is grieving the loss of their principal.

Norm Hale died in a two car accident driving back from Colorado.

"To have a tragedy so close to home, it definitely grabbed everyone's attention in the area.

Father Fangman says he first got word from Hale's wife Wednesday night.

"I was fine until I saw the kids come up, and seeing tears in their eyes, it was very difficult."

He says about 16 counselors and parent volunteers have been at the school helping students process this huge loss.

"When things like this happen it’s such an outpouring of love and goodness that happens."

The Elkhorn community continues to be supportive.

This past year the city has seen multiple tragedies, losing two year old Lane Graves and three year old Aspen Seeman.

Community members say they'll continue to stand together.

"It's a small knit community, so if anyone ever needs help, someone is always willing to lend a hand."

Elkhorn says Hale will be remembered for his generosity.

"Very sincere man, and it was a shock to hear that over the internet last night."

Father Fangman says its real life tragedies like this students will remember forever.


"He was a loved man and we enjoyed him around here so much."