The small town of Nebraska City is chipping in to bring an old 1920's building back to life.
Tuesday morning volunteers from business, the Blue Star Mothers, and Nebraska City Middle School students worked to clean dust and old debris from the Veterans Building, located on 8th and Corso in downtown Nebraska City.
The building, built in the 1920's is structurally sound, but needs new windows, a new roof, and new heating and cooling.
The city owns the building, but being a small town, money to fix up the building isn't flowing, Ted Beilman said.
But everyone chipping in has helped immensely. Kent Schwartz, a local painter has made a mural on a nearby building, recognizing local veterans past and present.
"This is a big project," Beilman said. "To make this building last for the next 100 years would cost 4 million dollars."