

Conservative group offers half-priced gas at Bellevue gas station to highlight inflation


BELLEVUE, Neb (KMTV) — If you have filled up your tank lately it's hard to miss the high prices at the pump. 

But folks filling up at Speedy’s Gas N Shop in Bellevue on Wednesday found prices that seemed almost too good to be true.

“My daughter who called me said hey so and so posted this on Snapchat and I was like nah, I don’t believe that. So I said I'll go stop up there real quick. (I) Stopped in and sure enough, they told me $2.38 a gallon. I was like why y’all are gonna be losing money and he said well we are trying to send a message,” said one woman filling up at Speedy Gas N Shop.

That message, and the half-priced gas, are the work of a group known as Americans for Prosperity.

The conservative political advocacy group, funded by conservative mega-donors David and Charles Koch, is touring the country and cutting prices as a part of its “True Cost of Washington” tour.

“We are rolling back the gas prices to what they were when President Biden took office in 2021 when $2.38 was the average, “ said Jessica Shelburn, the state director for Americans for Prosperity Nebraska.

Americans for Prosperity claims it is the Biden administration’s energy policies and focus on green energy that has sent prices at the pump soaring, a sentiment that is shared by Governor Pete Ricketts.

“First thing he did when he came into office is cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline. He tried to cancel those leases and the court told him no. But he still hasn’t had a successful one of those as well. If you continue to make war on our energy resources in this country of course you are gonna drive up prices,” said Governor Ricketts.

Not everyone who was filling up at the pumps today believes President Biden is responsible for the high gas prices but they were still happy to get the discount.

“Is it Biden himself who is affecting worldwide gouging on gas? No.” said the woman filling up her car.

While many filling up at the pump had mixed feelings about who is responsible for the high prices of gas there wasn’t any debate about whether more action is needed to be taken to quell rising inflation.

“I'm pretty upset that the Republicans voted against stopping price gouging, and four democrats by the way. Something has to change and someone needs to make it make sense to me. What is happening right now? Everything is out of control,” said one woman.

Unfortunately, the high-priced gas was only available for a couple of hours at Speedy’s before returning to its normal price but the debate over the high cost of gas coming from inflation will likely last much longer.

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