

Parents and students demand action during Gun Sense Rally at the Nebraska Capitol


LINCOLN, Neb (KMTV) — For most of us, we remember our time in school as being focused on making friends, getting our homework done or playing in the big game.

But things are very different for students going through school now.

“I shouldn’t be scared to go to school, neither should my classmates, kids in other grades, or even adults,” said one student at Thursday’s rally.

The fear of school shootings has only grown for kids who have had to grow up seeing their peers at Parkland, Sandy Hook and now Covenant School in Nashville, among many others, be gunned down while at school.

That latest shooting brought a crowd of concerned students, parents and community members to the capitol who feel lawmakers aren’t doing enough to keep them and their kids safe.

“Some people might think that there are laws that protect these people and students but there isn’t enough…because it keeps happening,” said Norah Hodge, a fifth-grader at Woodbrook Elementary in Elkhorn.

Nora and her family are especially concerned with the latest effort to expand access to firearms in Nebraska.

A concern shared by a few of the legislature’s more progressive senators.

“We are asking people: speak out, contact your legislators on LB 77. It's gun carry, permitless, there is no background checks and no training. That is wrong,” said Lincoln Senator Jayne Raybould.

Unfortunately for the crowd, not many senators share Raybould’s opinion on LB 77.

The bill passed its first round of debate on a vote of 31 to 10 and if it can make it past a session-long filibuster, will likely make it to the governor’s desk. A scenario that keeps Nora and her parents up all night.

“In my bedroom at night, and (in) the back of my head there is always that thought that tomorrow it could be me,” said Hodges.

While it might not be looking good for the bill's opponents, the parents and students at the rally made it clear they won’t give up and will do everything they can to make sure lawmakers can’t ignore their cries for help.

“Everyone needs to be here. Everyone needs to show their face and everyone needs to speak to each one of them as they come in,” said another woman at the rally.

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