

Senator Joni Ernst Talks Politics and Policy at KMTV

One on One Interview
and last updated

Iowa Senator Joni Ernst stopped by KMTV on Saturday to talk politics and policy.  

The once little-known candidate from Red Oak, Iowa is now a sought after Republican leader in the U-S Senate. She noted, " I have had five bills make it to the President's desk."  Among the causes she continues to push, health care for veterans, saying she agrees with Omaha Democrat Brad Ashford that Washington must work harder for them.  Ernst said, "What we have to do is find the right specialists, the right providers. If we can't do that in the VA system, we have to allow greater access for our vets in their local community hospitals. "

But her big political task between now and November is trying to convince voters in her state that Donald Trump is a better choice than Hillary Clinton.  Ernst said, "The economy and national security, that's what Donald Trump is very strong on. "   The Republican Senator questioned whether some in Washington are selectively altering intelligence reports when it comes to the terror group ISIS, making things seem more positive. She added, " I think we are seeing ISIS grow and spread.  We are not defeating ISIS."  

With Barack Obama winning Iowa and its six electoral votes in both 2012 and 2008, the Republican Ernst knows she must go county to county selling Trump's message before election day.  She said, " I am hopeful he will push jobs and the economy, tax reform measures, what he can do to bolster national security.  I am happy to go out there and talk about Hillary Clinton, her failures and why she should not be Commander In Chief.

Despite her campaigning for Trump, Ernst dismissed talk that if he wins in November, she would be interested in a cabinet position.