- Video shows north Omaha, apartments and houses, and statement from Senator Rob Dover regarding LB 266.
- LB 266 would prevent local governments from enforcing rent control laws. Right now, there are no rent control laws in place here.
- Senator Rob Dover introduced a bill and shared a statement through his office, expressing his belief in local control. Rover believes that municipalities should not have the authority to dictate what private property owners can charge for their property.
Homeownership and affordable housing are two issues. This community has tried to tackle this for years. I'm North Omaha neighborhood reporter Melissa Wright, in north downtown. I'm talking with people who say a bill in the unicameral that would give landlords more power over rent prices.
Keiria Marsha says buying a home isn't possible for her right now. So she rents.
"People wanna be able to enjoy life as well they can't cause they gotta focus on making three times rent to even afford to stay in the areas that they are in," said Marsha.
She and others in this neighborhood tell me they're worried about a bill in the unicameral. If it passes it would limit the local government to enforce rent control ordinances or laws.
"Homeownership me right now is like totally out the question " said Marsha.
Right now there are not any rent control laws in place here. She says blocking potential controls gives too much power to landlords, at a time when many here have limited housing options.
"Now people are worried about how they're going to live or where they're going to live so I do think it's dangerous for them to pass this bill,"
The bill was introduced by Senator Rob Dover. His office sent me a statement that says in part, "I believe in local control. However, I do not believe that any municipality has the right to tell a private property owner what they can charge people for using their property. The result of rent control ultimately takes away rights from property owners."
"It makes me feel a lot of anxiety about that because I do have a private landlord," said Marsha.
North Omaha Senator Terrell McKinney says he's opposed to the bill. Senator McKinney also tells me that because the bill has not passed, neighbors opposed can still write-in to their senators. In north Downtown, I'm Melissa Wright.