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Road work and flooding prompt questions from North O homeowners

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  • Neighbors in the area express long-term concern and recent hurdles from what they believe are from the sewer separation working.
  • According to Clean Solutions Omaha(CSO): The Nicholas Street Sewer Extension Phase 3B Project includes further extension of the storm trunk sewer from the Phase 2 junction structure.
  • The project has been broken up into two separate projects — Phases 3A and 3B.

Sewer separation has been a reality in older parts of town and some homeowners reached out to me because they're concerned about what they see on their street. Work has been going on here for several weeks and neighbors tell me they want answers for the possible pot holes caused by construction trucks… run over signs and even some drainage issues.

"This is my grandmothers house… my mom's house..and now I'm blessed to be third generation to live in this house," said Cynthia Coleman.

Cynthia Coleman tells me for the last two months living in her home hasn't been the same.

"Doing dishes… and you can feel it… you know its not just like oh… I felt it… its like oh, do I have to get out this house,"

Big trucks and equipment are here to replace the old sewer system that combined waste water from house with storm runoff.

Dorothy Fant lives just a few doors down. She tells me she been in her home since December 2, 1962. She got photos developed of what she's been seeing right outside her window since the construction has started. Fant says she's never had an issue with water being in her home until recently.

"But now I have water creeping in the yard and stuff because they removed the sewers."

Are the old sewers gone? I asked a Quality Control Manager with the the city of Omaha.

He told me until the project is complete residents remain on the old sewer system which can cause back flow into basements if there is a significant amount of rain.

Essley Fant who lives across the street from his mother Dorothy, he has his own issues with what's going on his neighborhood.

"The semis were rolling over peoples properties… and knocking out stop signs and everything,"

Lavern Mack who's been in her house for 20 years says what was once a residential area has become a main street. And the damage to the street her house sits on proves it.

"Now it's cracked all up… now there's holes…you gotta go this way and that way… just to get to where you going" said Mack.

Public works, Austin Rowser told me if there's street damage or signs knocked down to make a claim through the Clerks office. He tells me, he reached out to the program manager, who says they are not aware of any complaints made by neighbors in the area.