OSI College World Series


College World Series: Mississippi State fans embrace underdog status


It was another packed day down at TD Ameritrade  Park.

Fans hit the racks picking up their favorite gear for the games.

"Our tees are really doing well, the T- shirts especially and the hats because of the sun and the heat," said Terry Cue.

"Bucket hats and everything are going," said Cue.

At JEB Enterprises Terry Cue says Mississippi State seems to be the fan favorite. 

They haven't been here for a while, so a lot of their fans they've got that southern hospitality, it's fun to visit with them," said Cue.

In fact 2013 was the last time the bulldogs graced this stadium.

:Amazing, amazing to be back, I think this is our tenth time here," said Daniel Carney.

Fans are already calling the team the underdogs who will come in and sweep the College World Series.

"It's kind of like that Carolina team that was the Sweet 16, came in and ended up taking it all," said Cue.

A hard working, passionate team of college players, fans say deserve the recognition.

"We kind of had a slow start but the resilience to this team has been amazing," said Carney.