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Chinander says no Blackshirts will be handed out before season opener


The Nebraska defense will have to wait at least another week to see who will be named a Blackshirt. 

Defensive coordinator Erik Chinander says that as many as 11 and as few as one Blackshirt could be handed out this season. 

"There are two contributing factors right now," Chinander said. "Number one, we didn't think it would be fair to hand out a Blackshirt to an "or" and a "and" guy until we got a fair evaluation and the other thing the last time we took the field, and I say we because I signed up for this, the last time we took the field was not a good performance for the Blackshirts so we don't think anyone deserves one until we play at Memorial Stadium." 

The corner backs are another position where true freshman will be seeing time immediately. 
Braxton Clark and Cam Taylor are currently sitting at second-string and will be thrown to the wolves right away. 

"What I can say about both of those guys is they jumped in with both feet in to deep water swimming and never looked back," Chinander said. "That's the thing with young guys is are they mature enough, probably not but sometimes baptism by fire isn't a bad deal either."