

Nebraska announces specifics of Williams' suspension

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Two weeks without pay and he cannot coach in the first four games of the season.  University of Nebraska Assistant Football Coach Keith Williams now knows his fate. 

Williams was arrested for his third DUI over the weekend after police say he was involved in a crash.  Authorities say his blood alcohol content was just below .15, the legal limit in Nebraska .08.

University of Nebraska Athletic Director Shawn Eichorst says he knew not everyone would be pleased with the specifics of the suspension, but after many discussions, this is what was best for all parties involved.

“I am embarrassed and I am ashamed, but most of all I am sorry,” said Keith Williams.

After Friday’s football practice Keith Williams publically apologized to his family, players, coaching staff and Husker Nation. 

“It will be hard not to be around the team and my colleagues who I love.  I know they will be working hard every day to get better, just as I must do the same,” said Williams. 

Early Sunday morning Williams was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence after police say he was involved in a crash near Memorial Stadium.  It was Williams’ third DUI. 

“I make no excuses, I accept the consequences,” said Williams.

“We had to do what we thought was right, what was right for Nebraska, for the department, for the football team, for Keith, for all of us,” said Head Coach Mike Riley.

Williams, who is in his second season as the Huskers Wide Receiver Coach has been suspended without pay until August 31st.  He also can’t coach in the first four games of the season.  

“As far as a penalty for a coach that stays on, it's as significant of a penalty as I have seen for an assistant coach,” said Riley.

In addition to the suspension, Williams is attending counseling and will assist the University of Nebraska and community in educational and outreach efforts to prevent drunk driving.  Head Coach Mike Riley hopes some good can come out of this bad situation. 

“I know it was a terrible mistake.  We are going to support him, we are going to trust him and we are going to go forward,” said Riley.

Keith Williams’ next court appearance is schedule for October 24th.