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La Vista passes resolution on City Centre Entertainment District


LA VISTA, Neb. (KMTV– The La Vista City Council passed the resolution o turn the City Centre into an Entertainment District, but this doesn't mean neighbors can drink on Main Street.

  • The city council passed the resolution Feb. 4
  • The Astro and back deck is apart of the Entertainment District
  • "What this does not allow is people to take a beer from the businesses and walk around main street"


Earlier this month the La Vista City Council passed the resolution to turn the City Centre into an Entertainment District, which allows for the consumption and sale of alcohol in common areas.

Prior to the resolution, The Astro concert venue would have to pull separate liquor licenses for every event in order to sell alcohol on city property, but by creating an Entertainment District, now only one will be needed for the upcoming concert season.

"We created the entertainment district so there is only one liquor license for all those events, this is just a simplification of something that already existed,” said Mitch Beaumont, communications manager for the city.

This doesn't mean neighbors can just walk around with open containers, according to Beaumont.

The boundary of the Entertainment District is The Astro concert venue and the deck behind it, which is city property.

"What this does not allow is people to take a beer from the businesses and walk around main street with a beer, you couldn't do that before, you can't do that now,” Beaumont said.

This resolution just creates less steps for the city and The Astro as it approaches the upcoming outdoor concert season, according to Beaumont.