A Health and Human Services subcommittee in the Iowa Senate heard testimony for and against a bill that would make it a misdemeanorfor a health practitioner to administer an mRNA vaccine, including for COVID-19.
Iowa lawmakers are proposing a bill that could make it harder for Iowans to get a COVID-19 vaccine.
I'm southwest Iowa neighborhood reporter Katrina Markel.
In a two-to-one vote, a Senate subcommittee approved a bill that would make it a misdemeanor to administer a "gene-based" vaccine, including COVID-19 vaccines.
Those opposing the bill included the Iowa Public Health Association, Iowa Medical Society, and the American Cancer Society.
Among those testifying in favor of the bill were concerned citizens, out-of-state physicians, and a Nebraska chiropractor.
Dr. John Crosbie teaches at Des Moines University: "Our students want no part of practicing here with bills like this on the table. You are chasing them off. So, you go ahead. Pass it. Chase off the best and brightest."
Senator Doug Campbell voted for the bill but wants amendments holding drug manufacturers responsible for harm caused by vaccines.
"Manufacturers of vaccines for Iowa patients should be required to follow current, good manufacturing practices as prescribed by FDA Title 21 for gene therapy products," Campbell said.
There is a rare, but documented risk of heart problems with the COVID vaccine. The American Heart Association saysthat the benefits of taking the vaccine outweigh the risks.