

Creighton Pink Out auction ends Wednesday

Game against Seton Hall tips off at 6 p.m.
Posted 5:35 PM, Jan 27, 2021
and last updated 11:38 AM, Jan 29, 2021

OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — Next week's Creighton game will give basketball fans plenty to cheer about.

If not for the team, definitely for the cause.

Next Wednesday is the men's basketball team's tenth annual Pink Out game.

The Jays will wear pink jerseys which will be auctioned off to raise money for Hope Lodge, which helps cancer patients and their families.

The event is personal for Jays head coach Greg McDermott. His wife Theresa is a breast cancer survivor.

“There's a lot of crazy things that have happened in our world over the course of the last ten, 11 months. Cancer hasn't gone away. And you could argue that cancer patients are impacted in probably as negative of a way as anybody during this pandemic because hospitals aren't letting people in. And you don't have your loved ones by your side as you're going through this fight so if there's ever a time for us to keep fighting a terrible disease at the top of our minds and our hearts, it's now during this pandemic. So hopefully we can finish strong in the next couple days and raise some much-needed funds," said McDermott.

The auction ends today.

You can find auction items here.

This Wednesday’s game against Seton Hall tips off at 6 p.m.