
Tuesday is National Voter Registration Day

and last updated

OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) - — Secretary of State Robert Evnen announced he'd be recognizing National Voter Registration Day.

It began in 2012, in an effort to get more Americans registered to vote.

Nearly one of every seven Americans who are voting are (and eligible), aren't registered to vote.

Today volunteers and organizations will hit the streets to encourage others to check their voter registration status, and of course to vote on election day next year.

University of Nebraska Omaha student Yusuf Khan is a junior studying political science.

Khan says he's looking forward to voting for the first time in 2020.

"I'm hoping that people will want to be a lot more involved--younger people will get out and vote ... and I think they will I truly do. "I think that people understand that 2020 is going to be a really important election year," he said.

Khan also tells us he hopes more of his peers will get registered as well.

"It's really important to have your voice be heard, because you always hear about how certain things are going on in the world and ... what I really say to that is you know make a difference and try and change those because if you don't vote, you're basically disenfranchising yourself from the process," he said.

You can register to vote online, at your local county election board or by mail.

You can find more information about National Voter Registration Day at,