

The cooldown is here, this is how cold we get over the next few days

Wind and rain possible to end the week
and last updated

Sunday comes with a northerly breeze (20-30 mph) that will blow in cooler air, highs on Sunday reach the low 60s with lots of sunshine.

We continue to get cooler on Monday with highs barely reaching the 60s, and on Tuesday we spend the day in the 50s. During the overnights for the next few days, we drop into the low to mid 30s, meaning our first widespread frost/freeze of the season is likely.

Our wind shifts out of the south for Wednesday, helping to blow in some warmer weather again, highs reach the upper 60s with lots of sunshine.

The wind cranks up Thursday and Friday with gusts 25-35 mph possible, helping us reach the upper 70s for highs.

If you have been waiting for rain chances to finally come back, we might not have to look too far into the distant future with a chance of rain beginning Friday but increasing some on Saturday. All the while temperatures fall back into the 60s by the weekend.

Mostly Sunny
High: 63

Mostly Clear
Low: 34

Mostly Sunny
High: 61

Mostly Sunny
High: 58

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